Friday, July 30, 2010

Downloads interessantes,,,

Pensando como um economista
Marcus Eduardo de Oliveira

Introdução do livro:

Diane Coyle, em Sexo, Drogas e Economia, livro que retrata a Economia sob um ponto de vista diferenciado, afirma que qualquer um que deseja que o mundo seja um lugar melhor deve conseguir pensar como um economista.
Tal afirmação carrega parcela considerável de veracidade; afinal, indiscutivelmente, qualquer mudança na atividade econômica acarreta sensíveis alterações no comportamento social, político e cultural dos indivíduos.
Fora isso, de certa maneira, a Economia consegue passar aos indivíduos o poder do conhecimento sobre o mundo em que vivemos.
Nesse pormenor, não é descabido afirmar que a ciência econômica é perfeitamente capaz de operar verdadeira transformação social. Apenas esses “requisitos” bastariam, em nosso entendimento, para enaltecer o importante papel que as Ciências Econômicas têm exercido no cotidiano de cada um de nós, interferindo, direta ou indiretamente nos acontecimentos, ainda que, por vezes, não nos damos conta disso.
Não é por acaso então que essa ciência social, que um dia foi injustamente chamada de lúgubre (dismal science), vem ganhando, a cada dia, maior importância na vida de todos nós.
Nesse sentido, muitas publicações têm enaltecido esse “outro” lado da Economia, descortinando, assim, uma imagem carregada de ciência que, até então, somente tratava da frieza dos números, dos índices, dos gráficos; desprovida, portanto, do aparato analítico voltado ao social.
Nessa linha de análise, nossa obra anterior – “Provocações Econômicas” – se coloca para ajudar a ‘desmistificar’ essa ciência social que é, por essência, portadora de um caráter intrínseco de mudança.
É por isso então que entendemos, cada vez mais, que estudar ciências econômicas, pensar a economia como um todo, e ‘praticar’ a economia (enquanto atividade e ciência) tem contribuído, sobremaneira, para aqueles que visam entender as consideráveis situações que, com frequência, nos vemos envolvidos no cotidiano. Esta presente obra que o leitor tem agora diante de si, se apresenta também com essa mesma intenção.
“Pensando como um economista”, em seus dez capítulos, de forma concisa, proporciona conduzir o leitor ao universo temático que cerca a Economia e alguns de seus ‘segredos’.
Todavia, se for possível definir um objetivo fundamental desta obra, esse vai, certamente, ao encontro daquilo que Alfred Marshall, um dos mais brilhantes economistas de todos os tempos, pensava sobre Economia. Seu objetivo na análise econômica era um só: encontrar uma solução para os problemas sociais. De toda sorte, foi Marshall que, definitivamente, nos ensinou a empenhar-se na busca de uma melhora do bem-estar da humanidade com o utilitarismo de Stuart Mill.
Assim sendo, a leitura do presente texto, a exemplo da frase de Mario Benedetti com a qual abrimos essa obra, carrega, na essência, esse sentimento. Por meio de ações, é perfeitamente possível sim buscar-se a construção de um mundo melhor para todos. A economia, para nossa felicidade, possui as ferramentas necessárias para tal transformação. Disso não tenhamos dúvidas.
À todos que resolverem enfrentar às páginas que se seguem, em seus 11 breves capítulos, fica aqui o desejo de boa leitura!



Mesa de debate composta por grandes nomes do Direito à Cidade, como a professora da USP e Relatora Internacional da ONU sobre Moradia Digna, Raquel Rolnik; Professora da FAU-SP Ermínia Maricato; e Professor David Harvey da Universidade de Nova Iorque.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Museu do Amanhã no Rio

Arquiteto Santiago Calatrava divulga projeto do Museu do Amanhã, no Rio de Janeiro

Monday, July 05, 2010

Balões do Sonho em Heliópolis..que legal!

Muito interessante. parabéns para a equipe!!!!!


realização: Projeto Arte no Heliópolis

A disciplina foi concebida em um processo de organização colaborativo, envolvendo alunos, moradores do Heliópolis e artistas independentes. Construiu-se um percurso participativo de vivência e pensamento, em busca de uma relação aberta entre Universidade, Cidade e Cidadãos, transformadora de parte a parte. Após uma série de oficinas iniciais, realizadas na USP e no Heliópolis, decidiu-se que o projeto final seria realizado em parceria com os CCCAs - Centros para Crianças e Adolescentes, mantidos pela UNAS (União de Núcleos, Associações e Sociedades dos Moradores de Heliópolis e São João Clímaco). Os trabalhos envolvem atualmente cerca de 560 pessoas, sendo 65 entre alunos da FAU, artistas, moradores e educadores, e cerca de 500 crianças e jovens dos CCCAs.

Esta etapa prevê a criação de um processo artístico coletivo e auto-gestionado. A equipe realizou oficinas colaborativas entre alunos da USP e educadores e alunos dos CCCAs. No CCCA-PAM as crianças e jovens desenharam e escreveram seus sonhos, com o desejo de entrelaçá-los em uma corrente solidária e colorida como a alegria e a esperança, a fim de convidar outros moradores da cidade a conhecê-los.

Não serão os sonhos delas também os nossos? Não estará no futuro próximo dessas crianças a realização dos sonhos que hoje ainda nos parecem distantes? Quais os princípios e valores que gostaríamos de somar aos das crianças, e contribuir para sua realização?

Na sexta-feira, dia 13 de novembro, as crianças saem do CCCA-PAM às 14:30 rumo ao Pátio do Heliópolis, levando suas mensagens pelas ruas do bairro em um percurso-celebração, do qual ficam todos convidados a participar. Outros projetos estão em desenvolvimento nos demais CCCAs e podem ser acompanhados pelo blog da disciplina (
Local Heliópolis

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Forum Social Palestrantes...


Fonte: Boletim FNA

Keynote Speakers of Social Forum of Architecture
Haziran 03, 2010
Pranab Kishore Das / Isabel Leon/ Ermínia Maricato / Tom Mcdonough / Jean Robert / Vassilis Sgoutas / Joan Subirats / Eyal Weizman

Pranab Kishore Das
P K Das’ priority has been to establish a very close relation between architecture and people by involving them in a participatory planning process. His firm P K Das and Associates’ wide spectrum of work includes projects in urban planning and design, architecture, interiors and social and environmental sectors.
With more than 150 projects to his credit, his current planning and architectural works include townships, industries, a stadium, museum, public places of historical significance, Mumbai’s waterfronts, holiday homes, clubs and resorts, schools and institutes, corporate offices and call centers, large-scale housing and individual residences.
Das is also actively involved in organizing slum dwellers for better living and evolving affordable housing models, engaging in policy framework for mass housing, reclaiming public space in Mumbai by developing the waterfronts, urban renewal and conservation projects.
He has been widely published and has also delivered talks and lectures across the world. His work in the development of Mumbai’s coastline and his slum rehab projects have won him several national and international awards including the first Urban Age award conferred to the Mumbai Waterfronts Centre whose Chairperson is P K Das. With an extremely strong emphasis on participatory planning, he hopes to integrate architecture and democracy to bring about desired social and physical regeneration in the country.
Das was the only Indian speaker invited to the UIA-2008 Congress held in Torino. On 24th January, 2009 he delivered the key-note address at a conference at the School of the Built Environment, University of Nottingham, UK. Subsequently Das has been a key-note speaker at the Morgen / Tomorrow Congress in Amsterdam in October, 2009.
Isabel Leon
Graduated from the School of Architecture, University of Havana in 1974. Wide experience as Specialist in Physical Planning and Urbanism. From 1975 to 1997 worked as Urbanist at the Physical Planning Institute (IPF). From 1997 to 2001 employed at the Society for Housing and Urbanism HABITAT – CUBA (HC/ NGO). Since 2001 up to date is working at the Master Plan Department belonging to the Historian Office of the City of Havana.
Post graduated studies in Germany, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador and Holland. Invited Lecturer in matters regarded to Cuban Housing Problems and Historical Centres in different Universities such as: Chambers University, Gottemburg and the Royal Technical Institute of Stockholm, Sweden; Delft Technical University, The Netherlands; ITU and METU Universities, Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey; the Technical and the Arts Universities of Hamburg and Kassel University, Faculty of Architecture, Germany; both State and Catholic of Guayaquil, Ecuador; the Autonomous National University of Mexico and the Autonomous University of Mexico-Azcapotzalco; as well as in Casa de la Ciudad, Oaxaca, Mexico. Invited member for a International Discussion Panel at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Massa­chusetts, USA, 1993. Attended several National or International Congresses, such as the VIII, IX and X International DOCOMOMO Conferences, New York, 2004; Turkey 2006; Rotterdam 2008; Also invited as Lecturer at the Annual Conference of the Property Institute of New Zealand, Auckland, 2009 as well as at the School of Architecture and Design in Wellington and the Design Institute of Auckland, New Zealand. At the Modern Art Museum of Stockholm, Sweden; National Library of Helsinki and the Art Museum of Pori, Finland and at Master’s Course at the IHS, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2008.

Ermínia Maricato
Academic Curriculum: PhD in 1984 at the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil. Visiting Professor at the Human Settlements Center - University of British Columbia – Canada (2002), and at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Witwatersrand – Johannesburg/South Africa (2006). Coordinated the Architecture and Urbanism Post Graduation Programme at USP (1998-2002). Member of Research Council- USP (2007-2009)
Professional Background: Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of São Paulo Municipality (1989/1992). President of Sao Paulo Metropolitan Housing Company Administrative Council (1991-1992). Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Cities (2003-2005). President of the Brazilian Company of Urban Trains Administrative Council (2003-2005)
Recent Awards and Distinctions: Award “Juan Torres Higuerras” - Panamerican Federation of Architects (2006). Key Speaker - World Planning Schools Congress - Mexico (2006). Award “Architect of the Year” - National Federation of Architects and Urbanists. Brazil (2007)
Present Activities: Full Professor at the University of Sao Paulo – Brazil. Member of four Scientific Boards of National and International Magazines. International Advisor -National Federation of Architects and Urbanists (FNA) - Brasil.

Tom Mcdonough
Tom Mcdonough is Associate Professor of Art History at Binghamton University, State University of New York, where he teaches the history and theory of contemporary art. His most recent book is the anthology The Situationists and the City (Verso, 2009); other publications include “The Beautiful Language of My Century”: Reinventing the Language of Contestation in Postwar France, 1945-1968 (MIT Press, “OCTOBER Books,” 2007), and the anthologies Guy Debord and the Situationist International: Texts and Documents (MIT Press, “OCTOBER Books,” 2002). He has published regularly in journals such as Art in America, Artforum, Documents, Grey Room, OCTOBER, and Texte zur Kunst. In 2008-2009 he was Visiting Associate Professor in the History of Art Department at the University of California, Berkeley, and in Summer 2009 he led a research seminar at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art in Paris. McDonough has been a visiting scholar at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, a Getty Postdoctoral Fellow, and a recipient of an Arts Writers Grant from Creative Capital/Andy Warhol Foundation. He is an editor at Grey Room.

Jean Robert
Jean Robert is an architect and a scholar of Swiss origin who teaches at the school of architecture of the University of Cuernavaca since 1973 and at La Salle University, also in Cuernavaca, since 1994. Robert graduated as an architect from the Swiss Polytechnical Institute (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) of Zürich. He has worked as an architect first in Holland, and then in Switzerland, where he was long associated with the Brothers de Bosset, in Neuchâtel. As a collaborator of this firm, he has designed the building of the Swiss Bank Union, at the corner of Place Pury and Rue des Épancheurs.

In 1972, he settled in Mexico, where his encounter with such social thinkers and social activists as Ivan Illich, John McKnight and John Turner was decisive. Between 1973 and 1975, Robert led seminars at the Centro Internacional de Documentación (CIDOC), in Cuernavaca. Robert also worked as a consultant of the United Nations - under the lead of the Peruvian architect Eduardo Neira - and, from 1980 to 1984, as a consultant of the local State Government. From 1984 to 1990, in collaboration with Mr. Gustavo Esteva, founder of a grass-root association working with peasants and suburb dwellers - ANADEGES -, and in direct collaboration with Cesar Añorve, he worked out proposals for alternative sanitation technologies, among others an adaptation of the 'vietnamese latrine' to Mexico's conditions for which there is presently a great demand. Besides his activities as teacher and an activist of alternative technologies, Jean Robert has spent five consecutive falls at Pennstate University, where Ivan Illich invited a group of non conventional intellectuals to venture into researches on the archeology of modern certainties.

Vassilis Sgoutas
Born in 1934 in Athens (Greece), Vassilis Sgoutas graduated from the University of Cape Town (UCT- South Africa) in 1957 and has his own practice in Athens.
Projects carried out both in Greece and the Middle East include public buildings, industrial architecture, commercial buildings, hospitals, rehabilitation centres, restoration work and landscape architecture.
Works include office buildings for Ciba-Geigy, Siemens and Novartis, industrial plants for Pfizer, Winthrop, Famar, Union Carbide and Boehringer Ingelheim, the Athens Management and Conference Centre, the Alexander Fleming Basic Biological Research Centre, the University of Crete Faculty of Medicine, the EEC Presidency remodelling of Zappeion Palace, the Greek Pavilion at the 2001 Frankfurt Book Fair, and in collaboration the Athens Concert Hall and the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
He has won numerous awards in competitions including two of thirty ex-aequo prizes awarded by the Ministry of Public Works for the best buildings of the period 1973-1983 and the Ministry of Environment ex-aequo award for innovative housing.
He has played an active part in the various activities of the Union as a member of the UIA Council between 1985 and 1990, then Vice President for Region II from 1990 to 1993 and Secretary General from 1993 to 1999, and President from 1999 to 2002.
He was President of the Greek Section of the UIA from 1981 to 1993 and has been a representative Council Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) since 1984.
He is actively involved in matters related to the environment and the disabled. A member of the EEC Helios Committee for the Handicapped (1989-1993); member of Experts Committee for the "European Manual for an Accessible Built Environment" (1990) and "European Concept for Access" (1995); Board member of the Athens Forest Association and the Greek Spastics Society.
Honorary Fellow of the Member Sections of the UIA in Australia (RAIA), China (ASC), Japan (UIA), Kazakhstan (UAK), Panama (CASPIA), Philippines (UAP), Russia (UAR) and USA (AIA). Bene Merentibus Medal of SARP (Poland), Architecture Award of UAG (Georgia), AIA Presidential Medal, and member of the State Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences.

Joan Subirats
(Barcelona,1951). Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), he specialises in public policy and social exclusion and also democratic management and innovation. He was director of the Institute of Government and Public Policy at UAB and has been a visiting professor at the universities of Rome-La Sapienza, Berkeley and Georgetown. He writes regularly for such media publications as the newspapers El País and La Vanguardia. He has also written and edited several books including Elementos de Nueva Política (Elements of New Policy – CCCB, Barcelona 2003), Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas (Analysis and Management of Public Policy – Ariel, 2008), Del Xino al Raval (From Red-Light to Raval – Hacer, 2008) and Participación y calidad democrática (Participation and Democratic Quality – Ariel, 2009).

Eyal Weizman
Eyal Weizman is an Architect based in London. He studied architecture at the Architectural Association in London and completed his PhD at the London Consortium, Birkbeck College. He is the director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths College. Since 2007 he is a member of the architectural collective "decolonizing architecture" in Beit Sahour/Palestine. Since 2008 he is a member of B'Tselem board of directors. Weizman has taught, lectured, curated and organised conferences in many institutions worldwide. His books include The Lesser Evil [Nottetempo, 2009], Hollow Land [Verso Books, 2007], A Civilian Occupation [Verso Books, 2003], the series Territories 1,2 and 3, Yellow Rhythms and many articles in journals, magazines and edited books.
Weizman is a regular contributors to many journals and magazines. He is a member of the editorial board of several journals and magazines. Weizman is the recipient of the James Stirling Memorial Lecture Prize for 2006-2007